Sermons on Unique Aspects in Christian Theology with Various Speakers

Sermons on Unique Aspects in Christian Theology with Various Speakers

The Assembly – A Gathering Like No Other (42 mins)

Tom West preaches on the uniqueness of the local assembly. He stresses the non-negotiable nature of the doctrine of the local New Testament church and highlights its preciousness to God. Precious because it belongs to Christ, because Christ is there, because it speaks of Christ and because it is a home for those who belong to Christ. There is nothing like it in the current dispensation – a unique gathering! (Message preached 5th Feb 2015)

Christ – A Saviour Like No Other (43 mins)

David Castles preaches on the uniqueness of Christ, viewing His place in prophecy, society, history and eternity. It takes 4 separate gospels to begin to unfold the greatness of Him who is a King like no other, a servant like no other, a man like no other and a Son like no other. Christ is not one among many great teachers and leaders – He stands unique as the peerless Saviour and mighty Redeemer (Message preached 22nd Jan 2015)

The Bible – A Book Like No Other (44 mins)

Josh Jacob preaches on the uniqueness of the Bible, the only “God-breathed” book in the world. The Bible is neither ancient nor modern – it is timeless! Josh outlines the doctrine of inspiration and explains how the Bible was given to us and has been preserved through the centuries. Though it has been attacked and men have sought to undermine it and destroy it, the Bible still stands as the infallible, inerrant Word of the living God (Message preached 8th…