Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 18)
Gospel Tent ’06 – The Final Question (41 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “An Appointment with the Almighty”. This is a thought provoking message about the final judgment of all the wicked dead at the great white throne. (Message preached 13th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – The Earth’s Future Golden Age (28 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “Earth’s Future Golden Age” and explains what the Millennium, or the 1,000 year reign of Christ, is all about. (Message preached 12th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – The King is Coming Back! (28 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “The King is Coming Back”. He expounds on the glorious theme of the return of Christ to earth – the second coming – when He will reign as King over the world that now rejects Him. (Message preached 11th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – Babylon and the New Jerusalem (39 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on the two end-time cities – Babylon and the New Jerusalem and contrasts their occupants and destinies. (Message preached 10th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – The Coming World-Ruler (35 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “The Coming World Ruler”, known widely as the antichrist, whose number is 666. This is a fascinating and informative message on this sinister future world leader. (Message preached 10th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – Galloping Global Grief (36 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “Galloping global grief”. He sets out the incredible details – from Matthew’s gospel and John’s Revelation – of the catastrophic events that will hit the earth during the tribulation. (Message preached 8th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – War in the Middle East (37 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “War in the Middle East”. He explains many of the Bible’s prophecies relating to the future tribulation period in which Israel will be attacked but ultimately delivered. (Message preached 7th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – What is Israel’s Future? (48 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “What is Israel’s Future?” From the Bible he traces the history and future of this unique nation – the ‘great tribulation’ followed by national repentance and blessing. (Message preached 6th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – What do people do in heaven? (37 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “What are people in Heaven doing?” He emphasises the fact that all heaven’s occupants are saved people who praise the Lamb who died that they might be there. (Message preached 5th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – Where do all the Christians go? (48 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “Where did all the Christians go?” He explains why and how the Lord will rapture all the Christians to heaven before the tribulation, and urges his audience not to be left behind. (Message preached 4th August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – What is Heaven like? (38 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “What is Heaven Like?”. Under this question he deals with the subjects of life after death, heaven and hell and eternity. A powerful and solemn message. (Message preached 3rd August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – Life’s Ultimate Mystery (36 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “Life’s Ultimate Mystery”. Under this question he deals with the difficult subject of death and delivers a challenging and thought-provoking message. (Message preached 1st August 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – What’s Wrong with the World? (31 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “What’s Wrong with the World?” and traces all of its problems back to the entrance of sin in the Garden of Eden. He explains how the work of Christ is the answer to the problem. (Message preached 31st July 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – It’s the Road, not your Religion (35 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “It’s the Road, not your Religion.” In this first message of the series he deals with the personal destiny of each listener based on what road they are travelling. (Message preached 30th July 2006)
Gospel Tent ’06 – Is there anyone you can trust? (40 mins)
Gene Higgins (USA) preaches on “Is There Anyone You Can Trust?” He proves that the word of God is the absolute and final authority and that it can be trusted for the assurance of personal salvation for eternity. (Message preached 29th July 2006)