Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 5)

Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 5)

Gospel Tent ’23: “I am the door” and “It is finished” (44 mins)

Paul McCauley opens the gospel meeting by preaching on 3 words contained in John 19 – “It is finished”. Paul comments on how in this one statement, the prophecies of scripture were fulfilled, the penalty of sin was paid and the provision of salvation is complete. Jonathan Black closes by preaching from John 10 – “I am the door”, bringing to the audience the truth of the open door, and the offer at the door.

Gospel Tent ’23: “John 3:36” and “Jesus Saves” (50 mins)

Closing the first week of tent meetings, Paul McCauley preaches on John 3:36, a verse that can concern the comfortable and comfort the concerned. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching on “Jesus Saves”, examining three quotations in the Gospels: “He Shall save” – emphasising the promise of salvation, “He saved others” – the problem of sinners” and “Lord Save Me” – a person who can save.

Gospel Tent ’23: “The Wages of Sin” and “The Way of Life” (50 mins)

Jonathan Black opens the meeting by preaching on Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin; is death, but the gift of God; is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”, a verse which encapsulates the gospel message. Paul McCauley continues by contrasting the Wages of Sin to the Way of Life, outlined in John 14:6 – where Christ proclaims that he is “The Way, The Truth and The Life”.

Gospel Tent ’23: “John 3:16” and “Three Places” (48 mins)

Paul McCauley opens up the gospel meeting by preaching on “The World’s Verse” – John 3.16. After relating briefly how his own conversion involved the witness of John 3:16, he preaches on 3 things found in this verse. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching on 3 Locations one must visit before they die: the place called calvary, the place where he was buried, and the place where he read; bringing forth salient gospel lessons and truths regarding each location.

Gospel Tent ’23: “Certain of Death” and “The Way, The Truth and The Life” (50 mins)

In a solemn gospel meeting, Jonathan Black preaches of Hebrews 9 and the certainty of death – bringing before the audience its certainty under an acrostic: D – Determined, E – Entrance, A – Appointed, T – Tragedy and H – Hope. Paul McCauley close the meeting by preaching a back-to-basics gospel message on John 14:6. Linking each word with the title of George Cutting’s infamous gospel pamphlet entitled “Safety, certainty, and Enjoyment, Paul shows how the sinner can know…

Gospel Tent ’23: “Romans 10:9” and “John 1:29” (49 mins)

Paul McCauley preaches two unique aspects regarding the LORD Jesus Christ from the verse Romans 10:9. He firstly examines how his birth was not his beginning and finally, how his death was not the end. A clear presentation of the person of Christ in relation to the gospel. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by examining John 1:29, “behold the Lamb” – bringing before the audience 3 points regarding this verse; how it contains a signpost for the world, a sacrifice…

Gospel Tent ’23: “Which Road?” and “Christ Crucified” (45 mins)

On the opening night of the 2023 Gospel Tent, Jonathan Black reads from Matthew 7:13-14, examining the broad and narrow road – asking the audience “Which road are you on?”. He develops this by analysing the way of life without God, in contrast to the way to life, through Jesus Christ. Paul McCauley closes the meeting by preaching from 1 Corinthians 1:15 – “We Preach Christ Crucified”, taking apart the words of this verse and introducing the gospel message, the…

Are You Ready? (30 mins)

When preparing for a journey, there are 3 words that people love to here. – “I AM READY”. Alasdair Baijal preaches a serious gospel message on the Apostle Paul and his readiness when it came to the gospel, described in the following three locations: Romans 1: – “I am ready to preach” – because of a moment to tell about Acts 16: – “I am ready to suffer” – because Christ suffered 2 Timothy 4: – “I am ready to…

My Spirit Shall Not Always Strive With Man (25 mins)

On the final night of a short gospel series in Cowley Oxford, Jonathan Black preaches a solemn and searching message on Genesis 6:3, urging those in the audience who are not saved to rest upon the finished work of Christ, before there is no longer an opportunity. (Message preached Friday 20th January 2023, during a series of gospel meetings in the Cowley Workers Social Club in Cowley, Oxford).

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (20 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches from John 14:6, emphasising the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, “I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the father but by me”. In a world where people have turned to their own way, or believe that there are many ways to God, Jonathan emphasises that Christ is the only way! (Message preached Wednesday 18th January 2023, during a series of gospel meetings in the Cowley Workers Social Club, Cowley, Oxford)

What must I do to be saved? (12 mins)

What must I do to be saved? – A Question that has been asked by many down through the years seeking salvation. Jonathan Black preaches a short but succinct gospel message on Acts 16:30-31, where a man in the Bible asked the very same question. Jonathan presses home to the audience the necessity of repenting and placing your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Message preached Monday 16th January 2023, during a gospel series in the Cowley Workers…

The Cross (21 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches a clear gospel message on the Cross of Christ, how it divides time and divides people, ultimately everybody must make a choice, is the work of Christ on the Cross enough? (Message preached Sunday 15th January 2023, during a gospel series at the Cowley Workers Club, Cowley, Oxford)

The Gift of God is Eternal Life (32 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches a timely and relevant message on “What God Gave”, explaining the glorious truth contained in the verse from Romans 6.23 “For the Wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Drawing from numerous passages of scripture, Jonathan preaches on the following; (Message preached Christmas Day 2022 in Hebron Gospel Hall, Bicester)

“One Mediator Between God And Men” (56 mins)

Oliver Penfold and Robert O’Neill share the preaching of the Gospel. Both highlight the truth that ‘the man Christ Jesus’ is the only mediator between God and men as One who is ‘fully God, and fully man’. In light of that fact of who He is and what He has accomplished, repentant sinners can be saved for eternity!