Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions (Page 2)

Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions (Page 2)

Exposition of 1 Timothy 4 (46 mins)

James Cartwright expounds for the audience, 1 Timothy 4 – a chapter which provides essential details regarding the dangers of apostasy to a local church. He outlines Paul’s key guidelines for living a godly “servant-like” life.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 3 (61 mins)

Dan Rudge provides an incredibly helpful exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 3, examining the important issues of qualifications for overseers and deacons. He closes by looking at the mystery of godliness expounded in the final verses of the chapter.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 2 (51 mins)

Huw Rees expounds the second chapter of 1 Timothy, examining Paul’s important teaching on prayer as well as similar issues pertaining to the House of God and assembly life.

Exposition of 1 Timothy 1 (45 mins)

Jonathan Black opens up a series of messages on 1 Timothy. After giving an introduction to the book as a whole, he provides a helpful exposition of the first chapter of the book; paying particular attention to details regarding assembly truth and the teaching on ‘godliness’.

Christ in the Gospel of John (44 mins)

Leslie Craig provides a wide-ranging and helpful overview of John’s Gospel. Different from the synoptic gospels, unique in its biographical presentation of Christ, Leslie traces Christ throughout the book, a useful summary! “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” – John 20:31

Genesis 35: Returning to Bethel (37 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 35 on Jacob’s return to Bethel after his years of delay in Shechem. After looking at the importance, instruction, itinerary and ingredients of the chapter, James goes through the various practical lessons that can be learnt from Jacob’s spiritual progress in the chapter. Please note that the discussion part of the Bible Class was not recorded.

Genesis 33: Settling in Shechem (53 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on Genesis 33. Having wrestled with God and received a new name, Jacob meets with his brother Esau once again. Dan helpfully guides his audience through the chapter, bringing out challenges and practical lessons for modern Christians.

A Throne Set Up (41 mins)

Scott Dunn explains to the audience the concept of a throne being set up in Israel. Particularly examining the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, he pays special attention to the way in which the books were constructed in order to preserve and safeguard the rights to the throne of Saul and David. Throughout, Scott Dunn gives helpful advice on studying historical accounts and outlines basic principles for interpreting the historical books of Scripture. He closes by drawing comparisons with…

Psalm 62: The “Only” Psalm (35 mins)

James Cartwright preaches on the 5 solas, the 5 “onlys”, of Psalm 62 – God as the only rock, salvation, defense, glory and refuge of His people. With God alone as our Rock we have stability, as our Saviour we have salvation, as our Defense we have serenity, as our Glory we have satisfaction and as our Refuge we have shelter.

The Catch of Fish (38 mins)

John Salisbury preaches on the 8th sign in John’s gospel – the miraculous catch of 153 fish. After some introductory remarks about the setting and pairing of the final sign, John divides his remarks into four: the importance of 1. obedience, 2. love for Christ, 3. shepherding and 4. following. He gives an explanation for the counting of the 153 fish, as well as discussing the interplay between two Greek verbs for love (agapao and phileo) in the Lord’s restorative…

The Raising of Lazarus (44 mins)

Gordon Stewart preaches on the 6th sign in John’s gospel – the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This was the pivotal climactic sign that led quickly to the Lord’s crucifixion. After some helpful introductory remarks about the “delays of Christ” in Scripture, Gordon outlines 7 lessons from John Ch 11 in connection with this mighty sign: about Christ’s glory, His promise, His sympathy, His troubled soul, His prayer, His shout of authority, and His worthiness of trust and worship…

The Blind Man (39 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the 5th sign in John’s gospel; the giving of sight to the blind man at the Pool of Siloam in Ch 9. Why did the Lord deal differently with this man, compared to how He dealt with Bartimaeus? Why was he sent to the pool of Siloam, not the pool of Bethesda? After answering these two related questions, Peter looks at a number of theological and practical issues thrown up by this remarkable sign and the…

The Feeding of the 5,000 (45 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on the 4th sign in John’s gospel, the feeding of the 5,000. He highlights the significance of the location, the provision and much else about the event. As with all the signs, this one proves the deity of Christ – that He is the Son of God. The sign reveals the One who can fill those who come to Him. Are you satisfied and filled or are you “running on empty”? Jonathan also extracts a number of…