Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions (Page 4)

Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions (Page 4)

In the Beginning, was the Word (48 mins)

Dan Rudge expounds the first 18 verses of John’s gospel (John 1:1-18). He explains that the passage has a chiastic structure that makes vvs12-13 the centre of the passage. He addresses a number of important issues throughout his thorough exposition: when was “in the beginning”?; what is the significance of “the logos”?; why would “the Word was a god” be an inadmissible translation in v1?; and what does “grace for grace” mean? (Message preached 18th Oct 2018)

The Parable of the Sower (35 mins)

Tom West preaches on the parable of the sower from Matt Ch 13. He explains the what, when and why of the Lord’s parables before outlining the parable under 5 headings: its significance, scene, sower, seed and soil. Tom gives 6 reasons why the Bible says one cannot understand the Lord’s other parables, unless one first understands the parable of the sower (Message preached 4th Oct 2018)

Christ in Colossians (40 mins)

Tom Armstrong preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Colossians” – personally, positionally and practically. He spends some profitable time looking at the various titles of Christ in Ch 1 – “His dear Son”, “the image of the invisible God”, “the head of the body”, “firstborn of all creation” etc. before taking up some of the practical challenges that the apostle Paul brings out later in the epistle (Message preached 16th Nov 2017)

Christ in Philippians (44 mins)

Jonathan Black preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Philippians”. He takes Paul’s expression from Chapter 3 – “that I may know Christ” – as his theme, and expounds Paul’s outline of the person of Christ as He is presented in the epistle – as the purpose, pattern, power and prospect for the Christian’s life. This message reorients our focus in the right direction as to the right motive for the Christian’s life and service (Message preached 9th Nov…

Christ in Galatians (42 mins)

David West preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Galatians”, and in particular, the centrality of Christ’s cross in the epistle. The Cross – Ch 1: The centre of God’s purpose for us. Ch 2: The centre of God’s power in us. Ch 3: The centre of God’s promise to us. Ch 4: The centre of God’s heritage to us. Ch 5: The centre of God’s provision for us. Ch 6: The centre of our boast. Each chapter is…

Christ in the Gospel of John (43 mins)

 Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of John”. After some helpful introductory remarks, Peter takes up numerous statements that other people made about Christ, starting with the words of John the Baptist in John Ch 1. Through these positive and negative comments, a fascinating portrait of the Son of God is brought before the hearer (Message preached 28th Sept 2017)

Christ in the Gospel of Luke (48 mins)

Scott Dunn preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of Luke”. Acknowledging that most expositors see Luke as emphasising the humanity of Christ, Scott contends that Luke’s main emphasis is on Christ as “Saviour”. He traces this theme, and the theme of “the plan of salvation”, through the early chapters of Luke in particular (Message preached 21st Sept 2017)

Christ in the Gospel of Mark (48 mins)

Tom West preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of Mark”. He brings out the main characteristics of all 4 gospels and likens Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to the faces of the 4 living creatures in Revelation Ch 4. In Mark Christ is portrayed as the perfect Servant – delightful, devoted, discerning, not distracted but determined to do His Father’s will (Message preached 14th Sept 2017)

Christ in the Gospel of Matthew (44 mins)

John Salisbury gives an overview of the whole of the gospel of Matthew, in which Christ is portrayed as “King”. The King and His credentials, the King and His kingdom, and the King and His cross are the headings that divide the gospel into three sections. The three titles – “Son of David”, “Son of Abraham” and “Son of Man” – are highlighted and expounded. Plenty of material in this message and ample food for thought (Message preached 7th Sept…

Christ in Romans (43 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on “Christ in the epistle of Romans”. He highlights the 7 references to Christ as God’s “Son” in the epistle and develops the related themes of the person, proclamation, provision and purpose of the Son. In the second half of his message, he distinguishes between propitiation, redemption and justification and develops the theme of the believer’s death to sin in Chapter 6 (Message preached 5th Oct 2017)

The Church at Philadelphia (39 mins)

Joshua Jacob preaches on the church at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). This was the assembly that had a little strength, that “kept God’s word” and did not deny His name. To them was given the promise “I will keep thee from the hour of temptation”. They were an evangelistic assembly, before whom God has set an open door. Much can be learned from a study of this commendable company of the Lord’s people! (Message preached 23rd July 2017)

An Overview of the book of Revelation (49 mins)

Joshua Jacob gives an overview of the book of Revelation. He outlines the unfolding of future events given in the book, which encompasses most of the details of the 7-year “tribulation” period of Bible prophecy including the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 vials. The book is expounded within a pre-tribulational and pre-millennial framework with all the events from Ch 6:1 lying in the future, after the rapture of the church to heaven (Message preached 7th Apr 2016)

An Overview of John’s Gospel (46 mins)

Gordon Stewart gives an overview of the gospel of John. He highlights John’s content, context and purpose as he sets out the themes and format of the 4th gospel. He speaks of Christ as the soul winner (Chs 1-4), the Shepherd (Chs 5-12), the School teacher (Chs 13-17) and the Sacrifice (Chs 18-21) before rounding off his message with a look at the glory of Christ in the gospel (Message preached 25th Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Book of Zechariah (49 mins)

Gary Woods gives an overview of the book of Zechariah. He gives the setting and context of the book, outlines the main characters of the time period (Haggai, Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Joshua) and touches on the 8 visions in the prophecy. The Christological references in the “branch” prophecies of 3:8 and 6:12 are developed, as well as the important prophetic passages in Chs 12-14 which are looked at from a dispensational viewpoint (Message preached 11th Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Book of Joel (47 mins)

John Salisbury gives an overview of the book of Joel. A much neglected but important book, Joel is the first Bible writer to mention “the day of the Lord”. He is the first of the “writing prophets” and the first writer to outline the end of the age and the Millennial Kingdom. This is a thorough, detailed and comprehensive look at Joel’s prophecy and its five sections. 46 min