Sermons from 2014

The Holy Spirit in Romans (41 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on references to the Holy Spirit in the epistle to the Romans. Starting in Chapter 5 and concluding in Chapter 8, he develops the teaching of Paul with regard to the Holy Spirit being the power for Christian living and the One who bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God – and if children, then heirs! (Message preached 4th Dec 2014)

The Holy Spirit in Galatians (40 mins)

Norman Mellish preaches on the references to the Holy Spirit in the epistle to the Galatians. We discover that all believers receive the Holy Spirit at the point of conversion, leaving no need to “tarry for the second blessing”. Mr Mellish was in the Pentecostal movement for 5 years and speaks on these issues with a special interest (Message preached 27th Nov 2014)

Paul Thomas’ Testimony of Salvation (49 mins)

Paul Thomas grew up in a traditional Christian family with wholesome old-fashioned values. He went to church meetings every week. But Paul wasn’t the type to just blindly follow his parents! You know how it goes. First cigarettes, then drink, then drugs…eventually the whole lifestyle associated with the rave scene and events like the Glastonbury Festival. But God intervened to stop Paul in his tracks. First a near heroin overdose, and then the death of his grandfather in 1999 whose funeral…

The Saviour in Proverbs (23 mins)

David Castles preaches on references to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Proverbs. He groups them under three headings: Christ as the Son, Christ as the Saviour, and Christ as the Sovereign. Since Christ is the personification of wisdom, there is much in Proverbs that can be looked at in a Christological light (Message preached 2nd Nov 2014)

Ruth and Boaz (41 mins)

Alan Barber preaches on the godly character of Ruth the Moabite, who came to know and trust in the God of Israel. Alan takes up numerous practical lessons from the events recorded in Ruth Chs 1 and 2, especially the move of Elimelech and Naomi to Moab, the disaster that ensued, and the gracious recovery granted by the Lord which then brought Ruth into such blessing (Message preached 23rd Oct 2014)

The Worship of a Young Person (45 mins)

Part 5 – The Worship of a Young Person – John Dennison preaches on the vital subject of worship and gives guidelines for worship from the life of Isaac. He warns against the twin extremes in worship of emotional excess on the one hand (Ur) and of dry mechanical ritual (Haran) on the other. He explains that God is as interested in how we worship as to the content of our worship. There must be separation, and preparation if there…

The Wedding of a Young Person (51 mins)

Part 4 – The Wedding of a Young Person – John Dennison preaches on some scriptural keys to a godly marriage based on the narrative of Mary and Joseph. What was Mary taking into account as she considered marrying Joseph? His maturity, masculinity, testimony, history, spirituality and responsibility. After all, Joseph was to become responsible for Mary’s physical, emotional, moral, financial and spiritual care – no small matter. The challenge? If you’d like to marry a Joseph, be a Mary!…

The Watchfulness of a Young Person (51 mins)

Part 3 – The Watchfulness of a Young Person – John Dennison preaches a searching message on “overcoming temptation”, based on the story of Joseph from Genesis 39. Joseph faced dangers from society, from his history, from his attractiveness, from a predatory woman in a position of power – and all while he was alone and far from home. How did Joseph overcome? John Dennison outlines a number of defences that were in place that preserved Joseph and can preserve…

The Waiting of a Young Person (48 mins)

Part 2 – The Waiting of a Young Person – John Dennison asks “What is the secret to knowing God’s will?” He gives clear and helpful Biblical guidance on this vital subject, drawing heavily from the experience of the disciples in Acts 1. He emphasises the need for obedience, prayer and patience, and reminds his audience that God is “as interested in the process of us learning His will, as in the product of us doing His will.” John discusses…

The Walk of a Young Person (49 mins)

Part 1 – The Walk of a Young Person – John Dennison asks “Is it possible for a young person to walk with God while surrounded on every hand by a godless 21st century western culture?” Yes it is, and Enoch’s example in Genesis 5 shows us how. But what does a walk with God look like? How can I focus on what is pleasing to the Lord, in a self-centred world? John Dennison give sound Biblical counsel and fervent…

The Sluggard vs The Diligent Man (22 mins)

David Castles compares the sluggard – the lazy, slothful man – of Proverbs, with his opposite – the diligent man. The sluggard makes excuses, rarely starts anything and never finishes what he does. Applying these characteristics to the spiritual realm, David urges his audience to diligence in study of the Scriptures and in service for the Lord. “Go to the ant thou sluggard”! (Message preached 28th Sept 2014)

The Virtuous Women vs The Women of Vice (27 mins)

Josh Jacob contrasts the virtuous woman with the “strange” woman, or the “woman of vice”. One is hard to find, the other easy to find. One a home maker, the other a home breaker. One emphasising inner beauty, the other emphasising outer beauty. Biblical femininity and womanhood is contrasted with much that is seen in our culture’s feminist ideology and worldview (Message preached 14th Sept 2014)

Timothy Cawte’s Testimony of Salvation (22 mins)

Tim Cawte tells of his conversion one Canadian winter at the age of 13. Knowing he was a sinner who needed to be saved, his main problem was, “How can I ever know for sure that I am saved?” He made a number of attempts at being saved, but every time the doubts kept coming back as strong as ever. He was finally saved when he came to an end of himself and rested alone on the person and finished…