Sermons from 2016

The Glory of God – Our Aim (37 mins)

David Castles preaches on the the aim of the Christian life from 1 Cor 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” The child of God is given the privilege of bringing glory to God – of ascribing the honour and praise due to Him because of His divine being, attributes and actions. David explains that as Christ glorified God on the earth, so we ourselves live to God’s glory…

The Glory of God – His Salvation (41 mins)

Gary Woods preaches on the glory of God in His salvation. He outlines various aspects of the broad subject of salvation before homing in on the vital doctrine of justification, which he deals with under three headings: the acquittal, the standing and the imputation. He explains that justification is by grace as to its source, by blood as to its basis, by faith as to its means, by God as to its assurance, and by power as to its reality…

The Glory of God – His Word (44 mins)

Gordon Stewart preaches on the glory of God in His Word, the Bible. He spends a good part of his time on the fundamental theme of the inspiration of Scripture and makes the case for the plenary, verbal, God-breathed nature of all 66 books of the Bible. He outlines further insights into the claims and themes of God’s inspired word and asserts its uniqueness in authority and power (Message preached 24th Nov 2016)

The Glory of God – His Son (46 mins)

Dan Rudge preaches on the glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Working from Philippians 2:5-11, Mr Rudge outlines the glory of Christ’s substance, service, sacrifice and supremacy. The full deity of Christ, His eternal Sonship, His impeccability, His unlimited propitiation and the glory of His risen exalted position at God’s right hand are expounded and defended from this powerful Christological passage (Message preached 17th Nov 2016)

The Glory of God – His Creation (37 mins)

David West preaches on the glory of God in His creation. He takes a tour through Job Chapters 38-41 and surveys God’s three challenges to Job. 1). Can you explain My creation? 2). Can you oversee My creation? 3). Can you subdue My creation? The power, greatness, wisdom and providential care of God, which are manifested in creation, all speak of His glory. All of this is on display 24 hours a day! (Message preached 10th Nov 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Failure

PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of failure and looks at the various ways in which he was tested and failed. Tested in days of prosperity, days of adversity and days of monotony. Warnings are given about the ease with which any of us could fail, yet encouragement is given that God looks at the whole of one’s life as He evaluates our service for Him. (Preached: 30th Oct 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Frustration

PART 4 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of frustration, as he had to deal with a number of frustrating situations in Judges Ch 8 after the major victory over the Midianite host. Learn the spiritual lessons that can be gleaned from how Gideon dealt with the Ephraimites, the men of Succoth, the men of Penuel and Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian. (Preached: 29th Oct 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Fighting

PART 3 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fighting and draws multiple lessons from his battle with the Midianites. Listen as insights are given into the spiritual truths God is teaching us through the divinely guided reduction of Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300 soldiers. The smallness, emptiness and brokenness of the weapons with which Gideon’s army overcame the enemy are challenging issues for us to face. (Preached: 29th October 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Fear

PART 2 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fear (Judges 6:19-40). God separated Gideon unto Himself from his father’s gods and called him to be His servant, despite his fears. Listen as Mr Dennison outlines Gideon’s concern, his condition, his comprehension, his communication and his circumstances. Included are some helpful insights into the issue of “putting out a fleece”. (Preached: October 28th 2016)

Gideon’s Days of Famine

PART 1 – John Dennison preaches an introductory message on the life of Gideon drawing practical Biblical lessons from the narrative in Judges 6:1-24. After introducing the book of Judges and outlining the background of the chapter, John speaks on “the crisis of strife” (Midian), “the conviction of sin” (by the prophet’s message), and “the consecration of Gideon the servant”. (Preached: October 27th 2016)

Thomas Proctor’s Testimony of Salvation (13 mins)

At one point, as a young child, Thomas Proctor thought he had been saved, after he knelt and “asked God to save him”. However, he remained without real peace and there was no change in his life, a common experience for children brought up in Christian families. But Thomas continued to listen to regular gospel preaching and some years later discovered what was missing. Are you missing the same thing? (Testimony given in Bicester 18th Sept 2016) 

Geoffrey Guile’s Testimony of Salvation (15 mins)

Once an atheistic scientist, but now a scientist who believes in Christ, Geoffrey Guile has an interesting story to tell of the providence of God in his conversion. Raised as a Roman Catholic and expected to regularly go to confession and the Mass, Geoffrey’s belief in God crumbled at Secondary School and University as he learnt about and imbibed Darwin’s theory of evolution. By the time he left University with a science degree he was a thorough-going atheist. However, God…

What Church Should I Join?

PART 4 – Christians need a spiritual home. The Bible speaks of Christians being “gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Matt 18:20). In this message, Peter Scarsbrook looks at the truth of being part of a “local assembly”. Basing his remarks on Acts 2:42 he speaks of an assembly’s “foundation”, its “formation”, and a number of its vital “features”. If you are looking for scriptural guidance about assembly fellowship you will find this message helpful (Preached: 11th Aug…

What wilt thou have me to do?

PART 3 – You’ve been saved, so what comes next? When Saul was saved on the road to Damascus his first question was, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” He was seeking to be consecrated and devoted to the Lord! In this message Peter Scarsbrook uses Paul’s life as an example of what it means to be totally dedicated to the Lord and explains how a new believer can begin to please the Lord in obedience and service…

The Christian’s Three Enemies

PART 2 – Know your enemy! It is essential that the Christian be aware of the direction from which dangers and attacks will come along life’s journey to heaven. Peter Scarsbrook explains that the Bible reveals three enemies – “the world”, “the flesh” and “the Devil”. Learn what the Bible has to say about conflict with these adversaries and how to overcome in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Peter outlines the armour of the Christian from Ephesians Chapter…