Sermons from December 2016

Sermons from December 2016

The Glory of God – Our Aim (37 mins)

David Castles preaches on the the aim of the Christian life from 1 Cor 10:31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” The child of God is given the privilege of bringing glory to God – of ascribing the honour and praise due to Him because of His divine being, attributes and actions. David explains that as Christ glorified God on the earth, so we ourselves live to God’s glory…

The Glory of God – His Salvation (41 mins)

Gary Woods preaches on the glory of God in His salvation. He outlines various aspects of the broad subject of salvation before homing in on the vital doctrine of justification, which he deals with under three headings: the acquittal, the standing and the imputation. He explains that justification is by grace as to its source, by blood as to its basis, by faith as to its means, by God as to its assurance, and by power as to its reality…