Sermons from July 2022 (Page 2)

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Glad Tidings” and “3 Everlasting Truths in John 3:16” (33 mins)

Gene Higgins opens the meeting by reading from Luke 2 and compares the glad, global and gracious tidings that the angels presented to shepherds and compares them with the tidings of the gospel. James Cartwright follows on by preaching from the most well-known gospel verse – John 3:16. He brings out 3 everlasting truths presented in the text; the everlasting God, the everlasting gift and the everlasting gap.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Where Art Thou?” and “Seek ye the Lord” (40 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 3 on the first question in the Bible, asking his audience where they are spiritually located. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by preaching from the verse “Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”. Gene urges His audience to make seeking the Lord their greatest priority, given it’s implications for eternity.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “By Grace are ye saved” and “Grace.. that bringeth forth salvation” (38 mins)

Gene Higgins opens the gospel meeting by preaching from Ephesians 2:8; “For by grace are ye saved through faith”. Gene develops this by preaching that salvation cannot be obtained through works but only through faith in Jesus Christ. Throughout the message, Gene hearkens back, on numerous occasions, to his own conversion 56 years ago. Following on from Gene’s message, in a special guest appearance, Craig Munro continues on the gospel theme of “Grace”, preaching a weighty message from Titus 2:11, preaching on the “grace of God that bringeth forth salvation”, homing in on why Christ died and why sinners desperately need the salvation that has been provided thanks to God’s grace.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the door” (20 mins)

Gene Higgins preaches powerfully on the illustration of salvation from the words “I am the door” (John 10:9). Gene goes on to outline salvation in the simplest of terms, emphasizing that entering the door is essential. Gene explains this statement made by the Lord Jesus by splitting it in two: the claim that he makes, and the condition that he sets.

“4 Things I Wish I Knew when I was Younger” (28 mins)

Gene Higgins preaches a succinct but incredibly practical message on 4 things he wish he knew when he was younger. Using the book of Proverbs as his springboard, Gene encourages and exhorts younger believers to grasp the following: People Matter Consistency Counts Time Never Stands Still Children Grow Up Too Quickly This message will repay careful and repeated listening, and may the truths that are presented be grasped and lived out in the everyday lives of God’s people.

A Throne Set Up (41 mins)

Scott Dunn explains to the audience the concept of a throne being set up in Israel. Particularly examining the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, he pays special attention to the way in which the books were constructed in order to preserve and safeguard the rights to the throne of Saul and David. Throughout, Scott Dunn gives helpful advice on studying historical accounts and outlines basic principles for interpreting the historical books of Scripture. He closes by drawing comparisons with…
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