Sermons from 2023 (Page 2)

“The Tabernacle of God” (56 mins)

Norman Mellish takes his audience through the early verses of Exodus 25, expounding the pictures that can be found that point to the Lord Jesus Christ. Norman helpfully brings out of the passage applications relating to the local assembly as well as individual believers.

Exodus 5: The Tightened Grip of the Taskmaster (40 mins)

As our series following the redemption of the children of Israel out of Egypt continues, Joel Lacey examines Exodus 5; a chapter that shows the ruthless nature of the slavery that the Hebrew people were in. Parallels are identified, particularly between Egypt and the world, Israel’s slavery and the slave market of sin.

Exodus 3: Moses at the Burning Bush (42 mins)

Huw Rees expounds Exodus 3, the passage which describes how God providentially commissioned His servant Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt. Huw helpfully outlines the parallels between God’s statement “I AM that I AM” and the imagery of the burning bush, as well as the impact a revelation of God can have upon His servants.

Gospel Tent ’23: “The Gift of God” and “Something Finished, Faithful and Fearful” (44 mins)

Concluding three weeks of Gospel Tent Meetings, Jonathan Black preaches on Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God”. After examining various pictures of Salvation in scripture, Jonathan looks at Salvation as a gift – one that is on offer to the sinner. Paul McCauley closes the meeting by looking at Salvation across time. In a weighty message, he looks at Salvation in the past tense –…

Gospel Tent ’23: “I will give you rest” (32 mins)

Paul McCauley preaches on Matthew 11v28: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. He emphasises to the audience the need to rest on the finished work of Christ, that Salvation provides rest for the weary, worried and those who are working. In the course of his message Paul deals with a common question relating to the quest “But what do I have to do?” in order to obtain salvation.

Gospel Tent ’23: “Isaiah 53” and “Things Written” (54 mins)

Paul McCauley preaches the gospel from Isaiah 53, a chapter that provides a vivid pictorial description of the suffering of Christ on Calvary. Paul emphasises the suffering of Christ and what he endured on the Cross in order to provide Salvation. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by looking at three things in scripture that were written, emphasising the question regarding the Lamb’s book of life – “Is your name there?”

Gospel Tent ’23: “Forsaken” and “The Heart’s Door” (51 mins)

Paul McCauley reads from Psalm 22, Proverbs 3 and Hebrews 13, detailing three references to the word “Forsaken” in scripture, and how it relates to the message of the gospel. Jonathan Black preaches on the Heart’s Door in Revelation 3:20 – “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him”, pleading with sinners in the audience to repent from their sins and rest on Christ.

Gospel Tent ’23: “What is the Gospel?” and “Now!” (49 mins)

Paul McCauley preaches an incredibly clear, understandable, back-to-basics gospel message centred around John 3.16, a verse often termed “the gospel in a nutshell”. Paul defines 3 things about the gospel message from this verse, how it Commences with God, Centres on Christ and Concludes with Salvation. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching from Ecclesiastes 12, John 19, 2 Corinthians 6 and Luke 14, linking the passages with the word “Now”. He preaches on the “now” of youth, the cross,…

Gospel Tent ’23: “The Blood of Christ” and “Living Water” (51 mins)

Paul McCauley preaches on “The Blood of Christ”, asking his audience to consider what it proves and what it provides. Jonathan Black closes the meeting by preaching from John 4 of the narrative commonly d “The Woman at the Well”. Jonathan impresses upon the audience the lessons to be learned from one who was leading an empty life, to one who was living a changed life.