Joel Lacey explores what true power really is. He preaches from select verses from the book of Romans and the book of John. He points out that We have no power to save ourselves from sin, instead we are under the power of darkness and in slavery to sin. For this reason, we need the Lord Jesus to save us by freeing us from our desperate state and becoming our Saviour and Lord, by faith.
Peter Scarsbrook helpfully expands the book of Exodus chapter 30. He points out that we presently have a great High Priest in Jesus Christ, comparing Him to Aaron, who was had multiple limitations.
Oliver Penfold reads from Proverbs chapter 5 and from 1 Corinthians chapter 15. He reminds us the grip of sin that it has on sinners. Oliver warns us of the dangers of remaining in sins cruel vice, but he also proclaims Jesus Christ as the Saviour of sinners, who can free sinners from that grip of sin and give them new and eternal life.
Tim Lewitt helpfully speaks to us about God’s provision, reading from Exodus chapter 29. He reminds us how we can relate to our Great High Priest the Lord Jesus by going through the chapter. We mustn’t forget how the Lord Jesus gave himself for us.
Joel Lacey explains baptism by referring to the book of Matthew and Romans. Paul Didcott remind us how God delivers sinners in distress as described in Psalm 107, giving particular focus on sinners that repent and cry out to the Lord for Salvation.
In tonight’s gospel meeting, Paul Brown shares his testimony telling the audience how he trusted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour. Tim continues the meeting by preaching on John chapter 10 verse 9 and Revelation chapter 3 verse 20.
Nick Harvey preaches on the need of a new birth without which one can’t go into heaven. Our works won’t do anything to take or sins away- receiving the Lord Jesus as our Saviour is the only way to be born again and become a new creature in Christ.
Josh Jacob preaches on Romans 6:23 and the gift of God which is eternal life through the Lord Jesus. Three aspects of the gift are covered: the opposite of gift which is eternal death, the origin of the gift which is from God and finally the offer of the gift which is paid in full and free to anyone who trusts in the finished work of the Lord Jesus on the cross at Calvary.
In this meeting, Jonathan Black tells us about the woman of Samaria in John chapter 4. Having talked to the Lord Jesus, who knew everything about her, she discovered that she needed something far more important than water, she needed everlasting life which only Christ can give.
The preaching starts with the reading of Act chapter 26 verse 23. Oliver highlights that the Lord Jesus Christ is the one that “should suffer”, “should be the first that should rise from the dead” and “should shew light unto the people” – The Lord Jesus has completed the work of salvation and there is nothing left for us to do other than to trust in Him and His finished work and be saved.
Peter Scarsbrook preaches the gospel and highlights 4 aspects of the gospel. Substance of the gospel, scope of the gospel, simplicity of the gospel and solemnity of the gospel.
John Griffiths preaches a soul-stirring gospel on deity that is declared, humanity that is divided and eternity that is divided.
Jonathan Black gives a stirring gospel message based on Luke 16, looking at 3 windows. The window of eternity, the window of heaven and a sobering look into the window of hell. Gene Higgins speaks from John 3 vs 18. He explains clearly the simplicity of salvation based on this verse.
Jack opens the meeting by talking about people in the bible who are characterised by faith- Noah (he believed a warning), Abraham (he obeyed a call) and Sarah (she accepted a promise). Faith in the Lord Jesus is the only way to be saved. Gene preaches on John 3:16. This verse highlights God’s inconceivable love for the world and contrasts this with the inconsolable loss in losing salvation. In John 3:16, we are told that God loved “the world”- this…
Gene preaches about how the Lord Jesus came as friend of sinners. How he came into this world to save sinners, how everyone who is not saved are in need of salvation. Jack continues to preach about how the Lord Jesus still continues to receive sinners and points out that His sinlessness qualified to die for our sins on the cross at Calvary.