2015 Gospel Tent
Gospel Tent ’15: “The Greatest Miracle” and “God’s Mercy” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – John Rogers preaches on the greatest miracle – salvation – from John 5:24…and the greatest mistake – rejecting salvation – from Acts 24:25. Tom Armstrong speaks on “God’s mercy” and gives a powerful and solemn warning about “mercy gone” from the narrative of the rich man in hell in Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached 16th July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “A ransom for all” and “Where is the lamb” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – Tom Armstrong preaches on a ransom “for all” (1 Tim 2:6), “for free” (Eph 2:8-9) and for ever (Isa 51:6). John Rogers continues with a look at the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 and draws pertinent lessons about salvation from the passage (Messages preached 14th July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “A solemn question” and “An exhalted saviour” (48 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – John Rogers takes up a solemn and searching text from Isaiah 33:14 – “Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” Tom Armstrong closes by pointing to Jesus Christ, the one and only Saviour of sinners, who humbled Himself to suffer the death of the cross that we might be saved (Messages preached 13th July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “His Own Soul” and “Opportunity” (49 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – Tom Armstrong preaches on “his own soul” (Mk 8:36), “his own way (Isa 53:6) and “His own self” (1 Pet 2:24). John Rogers continues with a message on “opportunity” from the narrative of the tax collector in Luke Ch 10. Opportunity given, opportunity grasped and opportunity gone. (Messages given 12th July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “John 3:16” and “The Bruised Man” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – Tom Armstrong preaches on “the gospel in a nutshell” found in the text John 3:16. John Rogers speaks of 4 men in the Bible: a buried man, a burdened man, a bruised man and a blessed man. Two plain and simple gospel messages that will be a blessing to all listeners (Messages preached 11th July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “A word for sinners” and “A Justified Sinner” (49 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – Tom Armstrong preaches on “a word for sinners” (1 Tim 1:15), “a work for sinners” (Rom 5:8) and “a welcome for sinners” (Luke 15:1). John Rogers follows with a look at the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18. Two messages helpfully outlining why everyone needs to be saved! (Messages preached 3rd July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’15: “Eternity, Calvary” and “Today’s Opportunity” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – John Rogers preaches on two words: “Eternity” and “Calvary”. Each person needs an awakening to the former and an appreciation of the latter. Tom Armstrong closes with three mentions of “today” in Luke’s gospel and presses home the urgency of the gospel call. (Messages preached 2nd July 2015)