Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 12)
Gospel Tent ’15: “Eternity, Calvary” and “Today’s Opportunity” (51 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2015 – John Rogers preaches on two words: “Eternity” and “Calvary”. Each person needs an awakening to the former and an appreciation of the latter. Tom Armstrong closes with three mentions of “today” in Luke’s gospel and presses home the urgency of the gospel call. (Messages preached 2nd July 2015)
Gospel Tent ’14: Believe on Christ (25 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson explains what it means to “believe on Christ” – to simply, confidingly and trustingly, rely on Christ alone to save. (Messages preached 20th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’14: Minutes from Death (23 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on the thief on the cross, who was “saved at the last minute”. (Message Preached 18th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’14: He that Believeth (29 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on “He that believeth” and compares a number of things that fall short of faith with truly “venturing one’s all on Christ” for salvation. (Message preached 17th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’14: Salvation makes a Difference! (27 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on the difference salvation makes. It finds sinners in a “state of nature”, brings them into a “state of grace” and finally lands them in a “state of glory”. (Message preached 14th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’14: Are you Christ’s (26 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on “Those who are Christ’s”. He explains that a person who knows they deserve to be in hell is unlikely to be there; but a person who thinks they deserve to be in heaven will never be there. (Message preached 12th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’14: In Due Time (23 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2014 – Ian Jackson preaches on 4 Bible occurrences of the words “In due time”, one of which – Deut 32:35 “Their foot shall slide in due time” – was famously preached to powerful effect by Jonathan Edwards on July 8th 1741. (Message preached 7th July 2014)
Gospel Tent ’13: “Three New Things” and “Three New Choices” (46 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Tom West preaches on a new birth, a new life and a new destiny (John 3:3, 2 Cor 5:17 and John 5:24). Eugene Higgins closes with three choices in Luke’s gospel: saved or lost, taken or left, and comforted or tormented. (Messages preached 28th Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: “Turn!” and “If ye believe not…” (45 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Eugene Higgins preaches on the watchman’s cry “Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die?” Tom West follows with the warning of Christ “If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins”. A pair of messages that urge us to prepare for eternity (Messages preached 27th Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: Tom West’s Testimony and “Eternity and Calvary” (47 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Tom West tells his testimony of salvation in the Tent and relates how he first heard the gospel under the very same canvas 22 years previously. Gene Higgins closes with a look at two powerful Biblical words – “Eternity” and “Calvary” (Messages preached 24th Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: “Thoroughly Lost” and “I am the door” (50 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Gene Higgins preaches a perceptive message from 1 Cor 1 on why many people struggle to be saved: they have never discovered they are lost. Tom West closes with a clear look at John 10:9 and warns that one day the open door will be shut (Messages preached 23rd Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: “The Rich Fool” and “Salvation of a Soul” (47 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Tom West preaches a probing message from Luke 12 on the rich fool whose selfish pleasure was his destruction. Gene Higgins closes with a powerful look at “the salvation of the soul” (Messages preached 22nd Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: “Prepare to meet thy God” and “They Crucified him” (47 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Gene Higgins issues a stirring warning to “Prepare to meet Thy God” and Tom West follows by challenging his audience with a pointed message on the three words from Luke 23, “They crucified Him” (Messages preached 21st Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’13: “The Dying Thief” and “He that hath the son” (47 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2013 – Gene Higgins preaches on the dying thief from Luke 23 and draws parallels between us and him; Tom West challenges his audience, from 1 John 5:13, as to whether or not the “have the Son” (Messages preached 19th Aug 2013)
Gospel Tent ’12: A Date that cannot be changed (37 mins)
GOSPEL TENT 2012 – Wesley Martin preaches on some things that cannot happen. A date that cannot be changed (Job 14:5), a demand that cannot be challenged (John 3:3) and a divide that cannot be crossed (Luke 16:26). A solemn, powerful message (Message preached 19th July 2012)