Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 3)
Gospel Tent ’24: Peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ (48 mins)
Jack reads from the book of Jonah and points us to what made God spare the people of Nineveh despite their sins- they repented and believed on God. Jack continues by asking the audience the key question- “are you willing to believe on God and repent?” Gene preaches on the theme of ‘peace’ from Romans 5:1 – personal peace with God and how to obtain this through the Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. If we trust…
Gospel Tent ’24: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (51 mins)
In this evening’s Gospel meeting Gene mentions about one of the malefactor who was hung next to the Lord Jesus- how he by faith trusted Christ as his Saviour. Gene points out that a sinner can go to heaven by trusting Christ, by depending only on Him. Oliver tells us about though the Lord Jesus is faultless, he died for our sins- we who are full of faults.
Gospel Tent ’24: Redemption through the Lord Jesus (53 mins)
Joel helpfully preaches on the theme of redemption and focuses on the fact that redemption is for all and the Lord Jesus only is “the way” to come to God. Gene continues by preaching on Isaiah 53:6, highlighting how the verse explains our condition in its first part (“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way”) and how its second part points us to the remedy- “and the Lord hath laid on him…
Gospel Tent ’24: “Call upon the name of the Lord” and “We must be saved” (51 mins)
In this evening’s Gospel meeting Jack encourages sinners to depend on the Lord Jesus by calling upon the name of the Lord for salvation. Gene challenged the audience on what the most important thing is- that we must be saved. Sinners can be saved from their sins by repenting and trusting on the Lord Jesus.
Gospel Tent ’24: “How the Lord saved me” (50 mins)
In this recording of our Gospel Tent series, Gene Higgins and Jack Hay tell the audience of how they Lord saved them. They give a brief overview of how they came to learn that fact that they were a sinner, and how the Lord revealed to them that they needed to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus for salvation.
Gospel Tent ’24: “The prodigal and the proud” (47 mins)
Our speakers gave challenging sermons on the condition of the human heart. They both examined parables, told by the Lord, which feature a comparison of two individuals. Gene told us about a certain man who had two sons. One son rebelled and wasted his life with riotous living – but he repented and returned and was received! The other son, though he stayed at home, was proud of himself, and held resentment towards his father for receiving his rebellious brother.…
Gospel Tent ’24: “The Lord has become my salvation” and “The benefits of believing” (47 mins)
In the third session of Gospel meetings, Gene Higgins asks the important question – has there been a time in your life when the Lord Jesus became your salvation? No one drifts or wings their way into Heaven! The Lord Jesus can become your salvation by trusting Him and His finished work. Jack continues on the significance of believing, giving particular focus on the many benefits of believing on the Lord Jesus for salvation. We can have peace with God,…
Gospel Tent ’24: “We preach Christ crucified” and “Christ died for our sins” (47 mins)
Jack helpfully preaches the core of the gospel message – Christ crucified. Having suffered the punishment for our sins on the cross, Jesus Christ can save us from our sins. Have you been saved from your sins? Have you trusted Jesus Christ for salvation? Gene preaches what the apostle Paul preached first of all, that Christ died for our sins and rose again. He also expands on what Paul saw last of all, knew best of all, and enjoyed most…
Gospel Tent ’24: “Where are you going?” and “Consider your ways” (42 mins)
In the first session of 2024’s Gospel Tent, Gene Higgins and Jack Hay dovetailed their preaching, challenging the audience on their ways. In the Bible, the Lord Jesus describes two ways – the broad way and the narrow way. One leads to destruction, the other way leads to life everlasting…which way are you on? Furthermore, Jack urged the listener to consider their ways and to consider the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of sinners, asking the important question…have you been…