Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 8)

Sermons on Gospel Meetings (Page 8)

Gospel Meetings ’22: “Where Art Thou?” and “Seek ye the Lord” (40 mins)

James Cartwright preaches from Genesis 3 on the first question in the Bible, asking his audience where they are spiritually located. Gene Higgins closes the meeting by preaching from the verse “Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near”. Gene urges His audience to make seeking the Lord their greatest priority, given it’s implications for eternity.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “By Grace are ye saved” and “Grace.. that bringeth forth salvation” (38 mins)

Gene Higgins opens the gospel meeting by preaching from Ephesians 2:8; “For by grace are ye saved through faith”. Gene develops this by preaching that salvation cannot be obtained through works but only through faith in Jesus Christ. Throughout the message, Gene hearkens back, on numerous occasions, to his own conversion 56 years ago. Following on from Gene’s message, in a special guest appearance, Craig Munro continues on the gospel theme of “Grace”, preaching a weighty message from Titus 2:11, preaching on the “grace of God that bringeth forth salvation”, homing in on why Christ died and why sinners desperately need the salvation that has been provided thanks to God’s grace.

Gospel Meetings ’22: “I am the door” (20 mins)

Gene Higgins preaches powerfully on the illustration of salvation from the words “I am the door” (John 10:9). Gene goes on to outline salvation in the simplest of terms, emphasizing that entering the door is essential. Gene explains this statement made by the Lord Jesus by splitting it in two: the claim that he makes, and the condition that he sets.

The Way and Day of Salvation

Jack Hay preaches a simple gospel message on the WAY of salvation from Acts 16:31 and the DAY of salvation in 2 Corinthians 6:2. (Preached: 27th March 2022)

Christ Suffered!

GOSPEL – John Dennison preaches on 1 Pet 3:18 (“Christ has once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God”), and emphasises the two words “Christ suffered”. The sufferings of Christ were unmatched, were necessary, and accomplished what they were designed for – meeting the claims of God against sin and providing salvation for sinners. (Preached: 1st March 2020)

Surprised by Salvation (33 mins)

“Salvation was completely different to how I imagined it would be.” Eugene Higgins explains the way of salvation from the last verse of John’s Gospel chapter 3, which reads: “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (Jn 3.36). He develops his presentation of the gospel around 4 contrasts in this verse: “Whom”, not “How” “Him”, not “you” “Having”,…

Gospel Tent ’19: 3 Object Lessons from Luke 13 (33 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2019 – Andrew Steele preaches from Luke Ch 13 on three object lessons that illustrate gospel truth. A tower that collapsed (“Except you repent you will all likewise perish”); a door that closed (Don’t be left outside); and a hen that called (“I would…but you would not”). The Lord Jesus is seen as the “prince of preachers” in this powerful chapter of the Bible (Message preached 6th July 2019)

Gospel Tent ’19: “Salvator Mundi” and “Heaven or Hell” (48 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2019 – John Fleck preaches from John 4, and in particular v42, on Christ as “the Saviour of the world”, a title used by Leonardo da Vinci in 1500AD for one of his famous paintings. Andrew Steele follows with a contrast between heaven and hell, the two destinies that lie before every one of us. Quote: “The worst thing about hell is to have missed heaven”  (Messages preached 28th June 2019)

Gospel Tent ’19: “Rest” and “Unexpected Happenings”

GOSPEL TENT 2019 – John Fleck preaches on the topic of “rest”. The Requirement, Expense, Simplicity and Time of rest, from Isa 57:20-21, Matt 11:28, Heb 3:3 and Rev 14:9-11. Andrew Steele follows with a look at three “unexpected happenings”: someone privileged who perished; Someone perfect but pierced, and someone poor but pardoned. Note especially the three things the man in hell learnt in Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached 25th June 2019)

Gospel Tent ’19: “Salvation” and “The Gift of God” (46 mins)

GOSPEL TENT 2019 – John Fleck preaches from Acts 16 – the narrative of the Philippian jailer – on the subject of salvation. What we need to be saved from, why we need to be saved and how we can be saved. Andrew Steele follows with a message on “the gift of God” from Romans 6:23. The opposite of the gift, the origin of the gift and the offer of the gift (Messages preached 22nd June 2019)

Romanian Gospel Message (24 mins)

Listen to the gospel preached in Romanian. Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Timothy 1:15 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” and illustrates this Bible verse from the story of 3 sinners in the gospel of Luke who were saved from their sins by the Lord. The message is translated into the Romanian language by Mr David Weir (Message preached 5th April 2019)

Are You Saved? (51 mins)

GOSPEL – Tom Armstrong preaches on the great matter of being “saved”. The Bible says you must be saved (Acts 4:12); it says you can be saved (John 3:17), and it tells you how to be saved (Acts 16:31). David Vallance continues with a look at salvation “in the Son” from the last few verses of John Ch 3 (Messages preached 3rd Mar 2019)