Sermons on Expositions in James with D West
An Exposition of James 5 (48 mins)
David West expounds James Ch 5 – the patience of faith and the prayer of faith. He warns against the use of expressions such as “Good heavens” and “Goodness Me” in the passage on ‘swearing’ (Message preached 11th June 2009)
An Exposition of James 4 (41 mins)
David West expounds James Ch 4. He challenges his audience in relation to humility and pride and brings to bear James’s warning not to leave God out of our words, our plans and our actions (Message preached 4th June 2009)
An Exposition of James Ch 3 (43 mins)
David West expounds James Ch 3 which deals with the power, potential, problem and paradox of the tongue. He gives very practical exhortations concerning gossip and the evil of sowing discord among brethren (Message preached 28th May 2009)
An Exposition of James Ch 2 (47 mins)
David West expounds James 2, developing the two main themes of the chapter, impartiality and the relationship between faith and works. He helpfully covers the difficult subject of “justification by works” (Message preached 14th May 2009)
Exposition of James Ch 1 (45 mins)
David West introduces the Epistle of James and develops the main themes of chapter 1 – the purpose, provision and promise of God to the believer who is enduring trials and difficulties (Message preached 7th May 2009)