Sermons on Verse by Verse Expositions (Page 5)
An Overview of the Book of Isaiah (47 mins)
Scott Dunn gives an overview of the book of Isaiah. He outlines Isaiah’s great theme of salvation in its near aspect and its future aspect. He looks at King Ahaz and King Hezekiah’s different reactions to enemy attack and highlights Israel/Judah’s perpetual problem of relying on other nations instead of on the Lord. Finally he introduces “God’s perfect Servant”, the Messiah, who submissively trusted in His God, unlike Israel. Through Him, the Lord Jesus, God will yet bring national and…
The Church at Pergamos (28 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches on the church at Pergamos (Rev 2:12-17). To this church the Lord says “I know where thou dwellest”. They were in a dangerous city and faced huge pressure to compromise with false doctrine. Jonathan applies the point with effectiveness and warns against compromise in our generation (Message preached 14th June 2015)
The Church at Smyrna (21 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches a challenging message on the church at Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11). This 1st century assembly featured poor persecuted Christians, yet the Lord says of them “Thou art rich”. However, of the neighbouring assembly in Laodicea, who claimed they were rich, the Lord says “Thou art poor”. What made the difference and what can we learn from the Lord’s assessment? (Message preached 18th Jan 2015)
The Saviour in Proverbs (23 mins)
David Castles preaches on references to the Lord Jesus Christ in the Proverbs. He groups them under three headings: Christ as the Son, Christ as the Saviour, and Christ as the Sovereign. Since Christ is the personification of wisdom, there is much in Proverbs that can be looked at in a Christological light (Message preached 2nd Nov 2014)
The Sluggard vs The Diligent Man (22 mins)
David Castles compares the sluggard – the lazy, slothful man – of Proverbs, with his opposite – the diligent man. The sluggard makes excuses, rarely starts anything and never finishes what he does. Applying these characteristics to the spiritual realm, David urges his audience to diligence in study of the Scriptures and in service for the Lord. “Go to the ant thou sluggard”! (Message preached 28th Sept 2014)
The Virtuous Women vs The Women of Vice (27 mins)
Josh Jacob contrasts the virtuous woman with the “strange” woman, or the “woman of vice”. One is hard to find, the other easy to find. One a home maker, the other a home breaker. One emphasising inner beauty, the other emphasising outer beauty. Biblical femininity and womanhood is contrasted with much that is seen in our culture’s feminist ideology and worldview (Message preached 14th Sept 2014)
1 Thessalonians Ch 4 (42 mins)
Joshua Jacob expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5. He emphasises the “call to holiness” in the first 12 verses, while also bringing to bear the teaching relative to the “comfort of His coming” in the last 6 verses. 1 Thess 4 is a pivotal passage about the rapture of the church to heaven prior to the day of the Lord (Message preached 3rd Apr 2014)
1 Thessalonians Ch 2 and 3 (47 mins)
David Castles expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapters 2 and 3, chapters which highlight the apostle Paul’s concern for the assembly at Thessalonica. David draws lessons for his audience from Paul’s exemplary affection, direction and prayers for protection for the saints (Message preached 27th Mar 2014)
1 Thessalonians Ch 1 (42 mins)
Tom West expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and emphasises the character of the assembly to which Paul wrote – a working assembly, a watching assembly, a witnessing assembly, a worshipping assembly and a waiting assembly. A relevant practical message (Message preached 20th Mar 2014)
The Church at Ephesus (22 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches a searching message from Revelation Ch 2 on the assembly of God in Ephesus – in many ways a model assembly that had many good points and was active for the Lord, yet had left their first love…have we? (Message preached 7th July 2013)
Exposition of Genesis 12 (44 mins)
Gordon Stewart expounds Genesis Ch 12. He recounts the three journeys of Abram, the father of the faithful, and points out 10 serious consequences that followed Abram’s failure in connection with going down to Egypt (Message preached 10th June 2010)
Exposition of Genesis 11 (47 mins)
John Salisbury expounds Genesis Ch 11, explaining the origins of empire building and idolatry as seen in Nimrod and his rebellion, which marks a major turning point in God’s dealings with the nations (Message preached 3rd June 2010)
Exposition of Genesis 7 & 8 (37 mins)
Peter Scarsbrook expounds Genesis Chs 7 and 8. He stands by the historicity of the narrative of Noah’s ark and gives a series of interesting observations as to the reality of and reasons behind the flood (Message preached 20th May 2010)
Exposition of Genesis 4 (44 mins)
Norman Mellish expounds Genesis Ch 4. He gives a number of interesting insights into the narrative of Cain and Abel and the significance of their sacrifices, and takes a look at Cain’s descendants (Message preached 6th May 2010)
Exposition of Genesis 3 (46 mins)
Joshua Jacob expounds Genesis Ch 3. He outlines the subtle strategy of Satan in precipitating the fall, and teaches powerful practical lessons from this crucially important chapter (Message preached 29th Apr 2010)