Sermons on Acts

Who is Christ to you? (46 mins)

Many, through various methods, have strived to turn their life around by turning over a new leaf. Some have sought sporting outlets, others have pursued rigorous regimes of self-discipline. In this sermon, having read Acts 9, we learn that turning over a new leaf will only lead to failure, disappointment, and guilt; instead, we need new life. We can only receive this by having a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus, by faith. Listen to this gospel sermon to discover…

The Conversion of Cornelius (36 mins)

Peter preaches the conversion of Cornelius which, like any other conversion, was by repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth of the gospel message is that God desires that we should all be ‘repent and be converted’. Repentance is the necessary change of heart toward sin that God expects of us. Further more, we can be saved, forgiven, and have a relationship with God all because of Jesus Christ, and His death and resurrection.

Lessons from Paul’s Voyage

Easter Conference 2017 – Jack Hay preaches from Acts 27 and the narrative of Paul’s voyage to Rome that was shipwrecked along the way. Mr Hay draws lessons about the journey of life with its frictions, frustrations and foolishness – all of which can so easily rock our little boat and threaten to sink us beneath life’s complications. A salutary message containing many practical lessons. (Preached: 17th April 2017)

Paul on Malta

Easter Conference 2017 – Jack Hay preaches from Acts 28:1-3, drawing many pertinent and practical lessons from Paul’s arrival on the Mediterranean island of Malta (Melita – KJV). Issues touched on include assurance of salvation, unlimited atonement, humility in service and preservation in temptation. (Preached: 17th April 2017)

Acts Chapter 6 (49 mins)

John Grant warns, from Acts 6, against murmuring and complaining in a local assembly, as well as outlining the function and character of deacons. He also gives a sketch of the martyrdom of Stephen (Message preached Monday 18th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 20 (53 mins)

John Grant closes this series of ministry meetings in Acts 20, drawing pertinent and powerful lessons for assembly overseers from Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders (Message preached Friday 22nd June 2006)

Acts Chapters 13-19 (54 mins)

John Grant very helpfully explains “how to preach the gospel” using the example of the substance and delivery of the sermons of the apostle Paul as revealed in Acts chapters 13-19 (Message preached Thursday 21st June 2006)

Acts Chapter 13 (52 mins)

John Grant preaches on the commendation of Paul to the Lord’s work and the character of the man as revealed in the Acts and the epistles (Message preached Wednesday 20th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 9 (53 mins)

John Grant recounts the background, circumstances and results connected with the conversion of Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9. This is a most interesting and inspiring message (Message preached Tuesday 19th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 5 (45 mins)

John Grant expounds on Acts 5 where the first sin of the church age occurs. Serious practical lessons are drawn from the solemn narrative of Ananias and Sapphira (Message preached Friday 15th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 3 (50 mins)

John Grant uses the narrative of the lame man at the beautiful gate in Acts 3 to expound on the nature of the gift of healing and the difference between confirmation gifts and continuing gifts (Message preached Thursday 14th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 2 – Part 2 (57 mins)

John Grant draws pertinent lessons from Peter’s address on the day of Pentecost and the formation of the first local assembly in the church age at Jerusalem (Message preached Wednesday 13th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 2 – Part 1 (52 mins)

John Grant outlines the truth of the baptism in the Spirit, the filling with the Spirit and what it means to speak in tongues, from the first half of Acts 2 (Message preached Tuesday 12th June 2006)

Acts Chapter 1 (46 mins)

John Grant begins a series of ministry meetings on the Acts of the Apostles by setting the scene in Chapter 1 and giving an outline of the whole book (Message preached Monday 11th June 2006)