Sermons on Various Gospel Messages (Page 2)
What is your opinion of Jesus Christ? (31 mins)
Oliver speaks on four opinions found in the Bible, man’s opinion of God, God’s opinion of man, God’s opinion of His Son, and our opinion of the Lord Jesus Christ. He emphasises that our opinion of Jesus Christ matters, as it impacts where we spend eternity.
God is light & God is love (37 mins)
In this gospel message, we examine a couple of the significant statements that describes who God is. God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all. During creation, God saw that the light was good. This reminds us of the purity and moral perfection of God, as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ. We also consider that God is love. This was proven to us when the Lord Jesus died on the cross for sinners. This incredible act…
The Prodigal Son (25 mins)
Reading from Luke 15, a chapter of lost things, Joel preaches repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this parable, a rebellious son leaves his father to live his life according to his own desires. This brought him to a point of desperate need. Having repented and returned to his father, his father graciously received and restored his son; who was dead, but is now alive, who was lost, but is found.
God’s Mercy and forgiveness
Jeremy reads from Daniel 9:9 to point out two things about mankind and two things about God. We have rebelled against the holy God, meaning that we are deserving of His eternal judgement of sin. The good news of the gospel is that though God is holy, He shows mercy and forgiveness to those that repent of their sin, and put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.
The Gospel in Five Words (27 mins)
David McAllister preaches a powerful gospel message, explaining the gospel in five words: Christ. Died. For. Our. Sins. Taking up 1 Corinthians 15:3, David emphasises the importance of “our sins”, the problem that we have, but the remedy that has been provided because “Christ died”. What links these great truths? The word “for”. It was for our sins that Christ has died. This message will repay careful listening for those who are struggling to understand why Christ died. (Message preached…
“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (21 mins)
While observing the Lord Jesus receiving sinners, the pharisees judged from a distance, believing they were superior to the publicans and sinners that were sitting with Jesus. They failed to recognise that they were sinners too. Tim Lewitt helpfully explains the reason (and the reason not) for His coming, found in Mark 2:14-17 Did you know you’re a sinner? Did you know you can be saved from you sins?
“O taste and see that the LORD is good” (35 mins)
The Lord is good. He is also objectively good, absolutely holy, and is the judge of sin. Furthermore, He is a kind and generous God that desires none should perish and that all should come to repentance and be saved through dependency on the finished work of Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
“He shall save His people from their sins” (47 mins)
Why was the Lord to be named Jesus? Drew Logan preaches on the name, Jesus (meaning ‘Salvation’) and explains how His name was a declaration of the purpose of His coming into the world – “for He shall save His people from their sins”. Are you saved?
“This Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ” (27 mins)
Edward Munro preaches God’s way of Salvation, Jesus Christ. Edward declares the essentials of the gospel message; the person of Christ, the sufferings of Christ, and the living Christ. As a result of Christ’s finished work, we can know God in a clear and personal way. Do you?
Are You Ready? (30 mins)
When preparing for a journey, there are 3 words that people love to here. – “I AM READY”. Alasdair Baijal preaches a serious gospel message on the Apostle Paul and his readiness when it came to the gospel, described in the following three locations: Romans 1: – “I am ready to preach” – because of a moment to tell about Acts 16: – “I am ready to suffer” – because Christ suffered 2 Timothy 4: – “I am ready to…
The Gift of God is Eternal Life (32 mins)
Jonathan Black preaches a timely and relevant message on “What God Gave”, explaining the glorious truth contained in the verse from Romans 6.23 “For the Wages of sin is death, but the Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Drawing from numerous passages of scripture, Jonathan preaches on the following; (Message preached Christmas Day 2022 in Hebron Gospel Hall, Bicester)
“One Mediator Between God And Men” (56 mins)
Oliver Penfold and Robert O’Neill share the preaching of the Gospel. Both highlight the truth that ‘the man Christ Jesus’ is the only mediator between God and men as One who is ‘fully God, and fully man’. In light of that fact of who He is and what He has accomplished, repentant sinners can be saved for eternity!
“Except Ye Repent” (35 mins)
John Salisbury takes up Luke’s account of the life of the Lord Jesus, emphasizing the words of Christ “except ye repent, ye shall likewise perish”. John brings out the message of the gospel by preaching the need for sinners to repent of their sins and turn, by faith, to the Lord Jesus for salvation!
Gospel: Entering the Kingdom (18 mins)
PART 6 (GOSPEL): Iain Lewis preaches a short but pithy message relating to the gospel and it’s ramifications for the Kingdom. Using the Saviour’s discourse in Matthew 20 to the pharisees, he asks his audience are they ready for the Kingdom, that the only way they can ever be sure of being there is by faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Except a man be born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” – John 3.3
Three Impossible Things (45 mins)
Drew Logan preaches God’s way of salvation by considering three impossible things – the Eye of the Needle, the Salvation of the Lord, and the Anchor of the Soul.