Sermons from 2024 (Page 6)

Gospel: Do You Belong to Christ? (46 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: In a weighty gospel meeting, Ian Jackson preaches from Galatians 5 on “them that are Christ’s”, asking those in the audience whether they belong to him. Ian particularly labours the vital truth that before one ever gets saved they have to come to the end of self. Craig Munro continues this theme by preaching on things that belong to Christ, his first fruits, his flock and his family.

He Ascended! (37 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Ian Jackson expounded the parenthesis of Ephesians 4:9-10, that deal with the wondrous truth that Christ hath ascended but before that descended into the “lowest parts” of the earth.

The Secret of Contentment (33 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Craig Munro preaches a practical and challenging message on the secret of contentment, bringing the audience to four locations in lamentations and drawing out applications concerning compassion, contentment, carefulness, companionship and counsel.

Reclaiming the Rainbow (38 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Alasdair Baijal opens up the Easter Conference weekend by preaching a message on “reclaiming the rainbow”. A symbol that has become widely used in popular culture, Alasdair goes back to the scriptures to examine three references to a rainbow in scripture, from which he draws out pertinent lessons.

Exodus 22: Property rights and purity laws (51 mins)

Huw takes us through a chapter that presents laws regarding property, purity, poverty, produce, and pilgrimage. He emphasises how redemption impacts our interaction with others. He describes the chapter as ‘the railroad of the law that is leading to the promised land’. Huw helpfully makes challenging application to the believer today.

Exodus 21: Ordinances For The People (63 mins)

Having been redeemed out of the cruel bondage of their slave master Pharaoh, and now belonging to God, how was this to impact their behaviour? Dan Rudge helpfully expounds Exodus 21, where rules are given to the people that show God’s expectations for their conduct, as a redeemed people. Dan brings out the challenging application to believers, having been redeemed by Christ, to live life in accordance with God’s expectations for us; a life of devotion to God, motivated by…

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments (44 mins)

In this session, Peter Scarsbrook helpfully discusses the ten commandments and the law generally. He teaches the permanence, purpose, problems, and practicalities of the law, giving particular focus on the believer’s relationship to the law, while also drawing insights into Christ from the passage.

The Prodigal Son (25 mins)

Reading from Luke 15, a chapter of lost things, Joel preaches repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this parable, a rebellious son leaves his father to live his life according to his own desires. This brought him to a point of desperate need. Having repented and returned to his father, his father graciously received and restored his son; who was dead, but is now alive, who was lost, but is found.

Bible Reading in Colossians 4 (87 mins)

EASTER CONF 2024: Ian Jackson opens and leads a conversational Bible Reading on the passage Colossians 4:2-19. This passage is one that provides incredibly practical advice with regard to prayer, but also important details concerning the companions of the Apostle Paul.

God’s Mercy and forgiveness

Jeremy reads from Daniel 9:9 to point out two things about mankind and two things about God. We have rebelled against the holy God, meaning that we are deserving of His eternal judgement of sin. The good news of the gospel is that though God is holy, He shows mercy and forgiveness to those that repent of their sin, and put their trust in Jesus Christ for salvation.

Daniel 5: Self-Gratification

In this session, by examining the foolish conduct of Belshazzar, Jeremy warns us of the dangers of self-gratification. He also points out the accuracy of scripture by referring to prophecies in Jeremiah that refer to this particular passage. We also consider the preservation of God toward Daniel, in enabling him to outlast the Babylonians and hand over the kingdom to another.

Daniel 4: Self-Esteem

Jeremy examines the character of Nebuchadnezzar, whose understanding of the one true God reaches new heights in the fourth chapter of Daniel. We consider the power of God to raise up and bring low, while considering the dangers of unhealthy self-esteem which can make us proud, instead of giving glory to God. Crucially, Jeremy also directs attention to the grace of God shown to Nebuchadnezzar.

Daniel 3: Self-Submission

In the second session of this series, Jeremy delivers an exhortation to submit to the will of God. He looks at the example of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and their resilience in obeying the Lord, in refusing to bow the knee to the image. Jeremy draws out the practical implications for us, to present our bodies a living sacrifice.

Daniel 1: Self-Distinction

In this first session of a weekend of ministry, Jeremy Holifield gives practical ministry on the first chapter of Daniel. He draws insights and challenges for the believer, giving particular focus on the need to be distinct in a world that is contrary to God. Jeremy also brings to our attention exhortations from the New Testament that would also encourage practical sanctification and the importance for us not to conform to this world, but be transformed.

The Gospel in Five Words (27 mins)

David McAllister preaches a powerful gospel message, explaining the gospel in five words: Christ. Died. For. Our. Sins. Taking up 1 Corinthians 15:3, David emphasises the importance of “our sins”, the problem that we have, but the remedy that has been provided because “Christ died”. What links these great truths? The word “for”. It was for our sins that Christ has died. This message will repay careful listening for those who are struggling to understand why Christ died. (Message preached…