Sermons on The Bible; The Family and Society with Various Speakers

Sermons on The Bible; The Family and Society with Various Speakers

Motherhood – A Guide in the Home (38 mins)

Norman Mellish speaks on the subject of “Motherhood”.  Basing his comments on Titus 2:2-3, Norman looks at six homes in the Bible and draws practical lessons about motherhood from each one. He highlights the danger of favouritism, the duty of protection and education, and the influence of godly devotion and prayer. A helpful message based on Scripture, with the benefit of decades of parental experience (Message given 20th Mar 2016)

Honouring Your Master (37 mins)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “honouring your master” and looks at the very practical subject of “the Christian in the workplace”. What kind of career should a Christian take up? How can a Christian have a good testimony at work? What temptations are there in the work place? How should a Christian act in relation to Trade Unions, Christmas parties, and other issues of conscience? A helpful and wide-ranging message (Message preached 28th Feb 2016)

Fatherhood – A Leader in the Home (38 mins)

Gary Woods speaks on the role of a father as outlined in various Bible passages, notably 1 Timothy Ch 3. Much profitable and practical teaching is given relative to leadership, love and the challenge of balancing home, assembly and work life. Wisdom is needed in rearing a family for God especially with the financial, social and technological pressures of the 21st Century Western world (Message preached 14th Feb 2016)

The Christian Wife (37 mins)

Daniel Rudge speaks on “the Christian wife”. Under the headings of her dignity, duty, disposition, dress and devotion, Daniel gives a balanced and comprehensive look at the character and role of Christian woman within marriage. He explains the scriptural meaning of equality, submission and virtue, and addresses pertinent points relative to how modern culture throws up challenges for the married Christian woman (Message preached 7th Feb 2016)

The Christian Husband (37 mins)

Joshua Jacob speaks on “the Christian husband”, centering his comments around 1 Pet 3:7 “Husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” The Christian husband is to “live intimately with her”, “be understanding of her”, “give honour to her”, “share freely with her” and “deal gently with her.” A practical helpful message  (Message preached 31st…